Thursday, December 18, 2008

First basketball game

Kelsey went to her first basketball game. She slept through the whole thing horns, whistles, and all the music. Needless to say she is a coaches daughter.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Family Photos

1 month old

Time has flown by and Kelsey is already 1 month old! She likes to look around and smile at things. Her favorite toy is her singing worm and she enjoys her activity mat. She has started blowing bubbles also. She likes to take naps with her daddy and is very interested in her passy these day. She likes that it is getting closer to Christmas because she enjoys the lights on the tree and it means that she can go places soon.

1st Thanksgiving

Kelsey's first Thanksgiving was fun. She really wished she could try the turkey, but she will have to wait until next year! We are so thankful for our family and for the blessing her life has brought us!