Wednesday, July 15, 2009

1st Family vacation

The week of the 4th Shane, Kelsey, and I went to St. Augustine on vacation. We had a blast! Shane and I are not much of sand people but we learned quick that making a nice big spread for Kelsey to play on was pointless, because she loved the sand and as soon as you sat her down she went straight to it. She loved the ocean and the water. During our trip she learned to pull up and walk down things also. We had a great time at the beach and it was fun to relax together!

1st Mother's Day

What a wonderful blessing to be a mother!

7 Months Old

Well, I have fell way behind on my posting this summer. We have been so busy. These are pictures of Kelsey when she was 7 months old. She is always getting into things as you can tell how she got her self stuck under the sofa. She is crawling and having a blast!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kelsey turns 6 months old

Well today Kelsey went for her 6 month check up. She weighed 16.97 pounds and was 27 inches long. So the doctor said that she was doing great. She has really changed alot this past month. Now she can roll any where she wants to, usually from one side of the room to the other. She loves to have constest to make noises with you and still enjoys baths, strolls, and rides. We both can not wait till this summer when we can spend lots of time with her. She is so FUN! We are so blessed!

Kelsey tries her first food

Well Kelsey tried her first food at the end of April. She really does not like the rice cereal to much but surprisingly was OK with the green beans. It was quite an experience full of many facial expressions. She likes to sit in her high chair though and really prefers her bottle.

Kelsey sees the ocean

Kelsey, her Mimi, and I went to St. Augustine over spring break. We had lots of fun. She wasn't sure about the ocean at first because it was a little cold. Then she liked patting her feet in it.

Easter Family Pictures

It was great to spend time with everyone on Easter and celebrate the resurrection.

Easter Fun

Kelsey's first Easter was lots of fun. We went to Church, had pictures made with real rabbits, and traveled to Bremen. The Easter Bunny brought her a singing tea pot, which she loves to eat. She also liked the real bunny. She tried to eat the poor bunny's ear.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kelsey is 5 months old

Well Kelsey is now 5 months old! Man how time flies. She now weighs about 15.5lbs. She is rolling over a lot from her back to her front to usually get stuck. This week she has rolled back several times though. She still loves her feet and has found lots of new noises that she can make. Most of them are really high pitched and she likes to scream them till she doesn't have any breath left. She has been still sleeping good, which we are so thankful for.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

First Road Trip

Kelsey went on her first road trip at the end of March with her Mama and Aunt Ash. We we all went to St. Augustine, Florida. We had lots of fun. It was to cold to go to the beach, so we will have to try it next time. Kelsey liked to go to the pool and play in her sun dome. She also has found her feet as you can see in the pictures. She also loved the time she got to spend with her Pawpaw, Mawmaw, Uncle Joe, and Aunt Mille every afternoon!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

1st Sunglasses

Since Kelsey was born in the Winter she has not seen the sun much. Since the weather has been so nice lately we have ventured outside. She quickly let us know she needed some shades. She likes them and thinks that it is funny to put them on.

Kelsey Turns over

Well on Feb. 22 Kelsey turned over for the first time. The picture I have attached is how shocked she was when she finally did it. She tried for about 30 minutes before she was sucessful. Now she rolls over about twice a day. I hope you like the clip.

Kelsey's Baby Dedication

Kelsey's baby dedication was on Feburary 15th, 2009. She was so glad to see lots of her family. It was a fun and special day. Hope you like the clip.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009



Bassinet to Big Bed

Well we have graduated from the bassinet to the big bed. She loves it! Sometimes in the morning she wiggles off her incline to the bottom of the bed. So far she has been sleeping really well! We hope that this keeps up!

3 Months Old

Time has flown and Kelsey is 3 months old! She can now play in her Bumbo, push up a little, and she loves to reach for things! Everyday is so much fun!

My First Armuchee vs Model Game

This was my first Armuchee vs Model Basketball game. I had never seen so many people in my life. Everyone had BEAT MODEL shirts so mama made me one to. This is my friend Cole. He is 2.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


On Sunday's we go to church. Mama gets me really dressed up. I like the music and usally I go to sleep. Mama and Daddy always hope so, so I will be quiet.