Friday, April 10, 2009

Kelsey is 5 months old

Well Kelsey is now 5 months old! Man how time flies. She now weighs about 15.5lbs. She is rolling over a lot from her back to her front to usually get stuck. This week she has rolled back several times though. She still loves her feet and has found lots of new noises that she can make. Most of them are really high pitched and she likes to scream them till she doesn't have any breath left. She has been still sleeping good, which we are so thankful for.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

First Road Trip

Kelsey went on her first road trip at the end of March with her Mama and Aunt Ash. We we all went to St. Augustine, Florida. We had lots of fun. It was to cold to go to the beach, so we will have to try it next time. Kelsey liked to go to the pool and play in her sun dome. She also has found her feet as you can see in the pictures. She also loved the time she got to spend with her Pawpaw, Mawmaw, Uncle Joe, and Aunt Mille every afternoon!