Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kelsey turns 6 months old

Well today Kelsey went for her 6 month check up. She weighed 16.97 pounds and was 27 inches long. So the doctor said that she was doing great. She has really changed alot this past month. Now she can roll any where she wants to, usually from one side of the room to the other. She loves to have constest to make noises with you and still enjoys baths, strolls, and rides. We both can not wait till this summer when we can spend lots of time with her. She is so FUN! We are so blessed!

Kelsey tries her first food

Well Kelsey tried her first food at the end of April. She really does not like the rice cereal to much but surprisingly was OK with the green beans. It was quite an experience full of many facial expressions. She likes to sit in her high chair though and really prefers her bottle.

Kelsey sees the ocean

Kelsey, her Mimi, and I went to St. Augustine over spring break. We had lots of fun. She wasn't sure about the ocean at first because it was a little cold. Then she liked patting her feet in it.

Easter Family Pictures

It was great to spend time with everyone on Easter and celebrate the resurrection.

Easter Fun

Kelsey's first Easter was lots of fun. We went to Church, had pictures made with real rabbits, and traveled to Bremen. The Easter Bunny brought her a singing tea pot, which she loves to eat. She also liked the real bunny. She tried to eat the poor bunny's ear.