Wednesday, July 15, 2009

1st Family vacation

The week of the 4th Shane, Kelsey, and I went to St. Augustine on vacation. We had a blast! Shane and I are not much of sand people but we learned quick that making a nice big spread for Kelsey to play on was pointless, because she loved the sand and as soon as you sat her down she went straight to it. She loved the ocean and the water. During our trip she learned to pull up and walk down things also. We had a great time at the beach and it was fun to relax together!

1st Mother's Day

What a wonderful blessing to be a mother!

7 Months Old

Well, I have fell way behind on my posting this summer. We have been so busy. These are pictures of Kelsey when she was 7 months old. She is always getting into things as you can tell how she got her self stuck under the sofa. She is crawling and having a blast!